Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during an initial consultation?

At the initial appointment I will take a thorough history of your neurological symptoms and background, will examine your nervous system and explain what I think the likely problem is. I will then agree an investigation and/or management plan with you.

What happens during a follow up consultation?

I will discuss results of investigations and agree on a management plan with you. Follow up consultations could be carried out using tele-medicine.

Are you recognized by my health insurance company?

I am recognized by the major insurance companies including BUPA, AXA, Aviva, Vitality, Cigna, Aetna. Please confirm cover with your insurance company prior to making an appointment.

What are your fees if I am self-paying?

The initial appointment fee for self-paying patients is £250, which will usually be a face-to-face consultation. The fee for face-to-face follow up consultations is £150.